1.2 Report on the existing capacity in the field of WM
Report on the existing capacity in the field of waste management in serbia (ENG) Report on the existing capacity in the field of waste management in serbia (SER)
Report on the existing capacity in the field of waste management in serbia (ENG) Report on the existing capacity in the field of waste management in serbia (SER)
Analysis Of Existing Study Programme In The Field Of Waste Management In The Republic Of Serbia (ENG) Analysis Of Existing Study Programme In The Field Of Waste Management In The Republic Of Serbia (SER)
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Environment in Serbia Environmental indicator report 2014 Indikatori-EEA-iz-oblasti-WM Izvestaj +AEA Waste opportunities Stanje životne sredine u Republici Srbiji Statistika otpada i upralvjanje otpadom u Republici Srbiji
This work package comprises the preliminary activities necessary to develop new curricula. It will result in integrated data on all existing study programmes in the field of WM in the EU, Serbia, and all existing capacities (infrastructure, facilities, laboratories, workforces etc.) in the field of WM in Serbia. The results…
This work package comprises the activities necessary to prepare for the full implementation of teachers’ training and course/programme development. It will result in newly developed syllabi and curricula at partner HEIs. This package will also contribute to the creation of new curricula and syllabi at partner HEIs in Serbia, and…
The main objective of this work package is to facilitate the modernization and improvement of teaching methods and provide a pedagogical approach through the development of defined competencies and qualifications based on ICT technologies. The development of such an approach should, first of all, enable future students to gain a…
This working package comprises activities related to the accreditation of newly developed study programmes. It will result with accredited postgraduate study programmes in the field of WM and undergraduate study programmes in the field of environmental protection. Also, as preparation activities for programme accreditation, this working package comprises activities related…
This work package comprises activities related to the distribution of projects results. It will result in project results being disseminated. The process of distribution of project results will include the establishment of centers for environmental protection and the continuation of delivery of training courses to industry partners and enterprises. The…